Conniving Companion Cube

It happened so quickly, but it was so terrifying. To think that my favorite character could do something like that to me....
I was playing Portal 2 for about the 20th time. I was going through the early test chambers that were overgrown with plants. It was creepy to go through test chamber 1 when vines were hanging from the ceiling. And instead of GLaDOS' voice, you heard a pre-recorded voice talk about what to do in a post-apocalyptic world. I never liked playing through this part because I preferred to hear GLaDOS over a boring, robotic pre-recorded message.
In test chamber 2, Wheatley came gliding by on his rail to meet up with me. He informs me that a single-portal device is supposed to be in the middle of the room on a podium. I had Chell walk over to the middle of the room, but the floor collapsed beneath me and I fell at least twenty feet into some shallow water. This was all normal. Wheatley, forgetting that Chell doesn't speak, called down to see if I was alright. He says that if I am, he will see me later. I walked forward toward the room where Doug Rattmann's drawings are. I always liked this part because I found Rattmann to be a fascinating character: a brave schizophrenic who guides the hero to safety with drawings and signs. But when I entered the room, I found something disturbingly wrong.
There was another human in the game.
He was hunched over the drawing he was working on of Caroline going crazy. His weighted Companion Cube was strapped to his back. His dark hair was quite long and he had an impressive, scruffy beard. His head snapped in my direction when I approached him, and he stared at me with his wild eyes. He started mumbling something, but I couldn't understand his gibberish. He had a slight smile on his face and I smiled a little, too. I was grateful for his help in the first Portal game, and I was glad that he was happy to see me (or Chell, I guess.)
Suddenly, his lips stopped moving as he turned toward his Companion Cube. In his mind, the Cube must have been whispering something in his ear. And it must have been something menacing. Doug turned back toward me with a threatening glare. The smile on my face quickly disappeared. I backed away from him but he just kept glaring. I quickly walked up the ramp and grabbed the single-portal device. I looked back down at him from the raised panel where the portal gun was, but as soon as I did, Doug came running up the ramp and tackled me back down to the ground. I landed in front of the drawing of Chell and GLaDOS. He landed on top of me, and pinned me down by sitting on my stomach. Then he took the Companion Cube from his back.
I knew what was about to happen. I tried and tried to move Chell, but I just couldn't prevent him from acting upon his delusions. Poor Doug.
Doug slowly lifted the Companion Cube above his head, and brought it down quickly on Chell's face. There was a sick thud/crunch as the Cube hit. My own head hurt a little as the image of this played through in my mind. Doug lifted the Cube up again and slammed it down onto Chell. I winced this time as I heard more "crunch" than "thud". He did this three more times. Each time he lifted the Cube, the screen got a little darker. I looked into his crazed eyes and felt like crying. How could he do this to me? After all the help he'd given me, how could he.....kill me? Poor Doug....Did he know exactly what he was doing?
I didn't tell anyone about this, but I've been thinking about it all day. I can't get the image out of my head. His eyes...... His sad, crazed eyes.....
It's really strange. I close my own eyes and I see his angry face so clearl---[]-[]=-p-

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Goddamn them!! Now I didn't have much of a choice, I had no choice, Tell me do I have to do it? And you can design, I have her, but once the planned point has started, didn't have to waste life, couldn't waste, now is too, has started, the ship has started, I let you down, I'm begging you now, hey this is my view, everybody is dead, it's the end, there's no way to stop, judging, judgjjj, the wizard's gone, the wizard has stormed and surrounded, stormed and surrounded...